Share Tweet Radio announcer Merran Maclaren interviews BHWRAG members Rod Provis and Murray Matson on the Local Blue Mountains radio show Rights, Rorts & Rants. Blue Mountains Deputy Mayor Romala Hollywood is then interviewed by Merran and Anne-Marre MacLaren. Rod and Murray are local residents living close to the development and believe that they will……
The current fight by residents against the Bodington Hill wildlife resort was preceded 30 years ago by a resident battle against the “Croc Park” development. The proponents of the current “Blue Mountains Wildlife and Tourism Development at 10 Great Western Highway Wentworth Falls” own the consent granted to this earlier project but have not used……
Share Tweet The “Blue Mountains Wildlife and Tourism Development” (SSD-14793297) project will diminish an area of Blue Mountains bushland. This how you can contact the NSW Minister for Planning Paul Scully if you want to protect the E2 Environmental and Conservation Zone at Bodington Hill. To contact him in his capacity as Minister you need……