- 19-2-2025 - "Stringent conditions" put on proposed Blue Mountains Wildlife Park
- 11-2-2025 - NSW Department of Planning responds to the latest Wild Life Resort proposal for the old "Croc Park" site at 10 Great Western Highway Wentworth Falls
- 3-2-2025 - Will the latest Wildlife Park proposal in the Blue Mountains make exiting to the Great Western Highway "even more nerve wracking" for Wentworth Falls residents than it is now?
- 1-2-2025 - Back again - zombie Croc Park (Blue Mountains Wildlife Park) proposal stirs again at 10 Great Western Highway, Wentworth Falls after last rejection
- 30-6-2023 - Blue Mountains City Council Mayor Mark Greenhill and Blue Mountains Member Trish Doyle in The National Tribune: "Rejection of amendment to Wentworth Falls wildlife park proposal welcomed"
- 30-6-2023 - ABC article: Developers vow to pursue 30-year-old plans for Blue Mountains wildlife 'croc park', despite setback.
- 28-6-2023 - NSW Department of Planning & Environment Refuses to Allow Amendments to Croc Park Planning Proposal!
- 25-6-2023 - Bodington Hill Wildlife Resort Action Group Inc participates in the 2023 Winter Magic Parade
- 6-6-2023 - Blue Mountains Gazette covers formation of Bodington Hill Wild Life Resort Action Group (BHWRAG) - 2 June 2023
- 1-6-2023 - TfNSW and the Environment & Heritage Group slam Bodington Hill Wildlife resort proposal. Councillor Brent Hoare takes the criticism to Council meeting while NSW State upper house MP Sue Higgens puts its to Parliament.
- 1-6-2023 - Rights, Rorts & Rants radio show interview BHWRAG representatives and Deputy Mayor Romala Hollywood 27-5-2023
- 30-5-2023 - Councillor Brent Hoare shared this historic footage (provided by "Ask Roz Blue Mountains") of the activism against the old "Croc Park" consent approval of thirty years ago.
- 23-5-2023 - Lobby NSW Planning Minister Paul Scully against the Bodington Hill Wildlife Resort Project
- 10-5-2023 - Resident action group formed in response to proposed resort in Blue Mountains Environmental Zone